Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Perimeter Gallery Show- Belfast, ME

I'm having a sort of unusual show in Belfast, Maine in June. The show will consist of two large drawings (about 48"x 15 or 20 feet), one large painting, and one large wall drawing. Since I will be spending my days working on the farm, I will be working in the gallery at night over the duration of the show. The drawing will develop during the month the show is up, and will be finished on the last day. There will be a closing reception at this point, after which I will wash off and paint over the drawing. I will try to post progress photos if my friend Leeper will let me use his camera during that time.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Alpha Gallery solo show

There will be a show of recent paintings (posted below) from my Rockland, ME studio opening next saturday, April 3, (reception is from 3-5.) Alpha Gallery is at 38 Newbury St. in Boston, MA. Their website is and their phone number is 617 536 4465. The show runs from April 3 to May 5. Most of the recent posts below will be in the show, the photos of which were taken by Luc Demers.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Schlesinger gallery show

I have a solo show opening march 2 at Gallery Schlesinger in New york city. Schlesinger Gallery is at 24 East 73rd St. The show will consist of one painting, (re:stacks) with possibly one other small one. The show runs from March 2 to March 27th, and the gallery is open tuesday through saturday.